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FCC Responds regarding legality of after market RC antennas such as Rubber Duck or Power Pole

Last Updated: 2007-02-02

This Post is for record keeping!

Well here you go. The official repsonse from the FCC verbatim from Generic Office of Engineering Technology []:


I have looked at your regulations covering Radio Control (RC) transmitters and could not find anything to prohibit the use of the rubber duck antennas made by the Smiley Antenna Company to replace the extendable antenna on my transmitter. My RC transmitter operates at 72 MHZ as you are well aware I''m sure.

Can you please provide justification or rationale why the use of this specific antenna made by the Smiley Antenna Company would violate FCC regulations?




Part 95C does not have any antenna restrictions. Therefore, using a rubber duck antenna would not violate FCC regulations.

Do not reply to this message. Please select the Reply to an Inquiry Response link from the OET Inquiry System to add any additional information pertaining to this inquiry.

Take that however you want, but it sounds pretty clear cut to me.


I'm sure Smiley's response to that requiest would be "we already knew that, go away or buy the antenna like everyone else."

I would think case closed as to the answers to the questions posed in the first post.

To summarize:

Q1. Will using the non-OEM antennas (Rubber Duck, Becker, etc) void any insurance monies/payments if there is some sort of incident/mishap?

A1. No it should not.

Q2. Does the use of non-OEM antennas (Rubber Duck, Becker, etc) violate any FCC regulations?

A2. No it does not. See post above.

I can't see how anything more can be said except for those ordering their share of crow.

Originally Posted by Skylinux @ 2007-02-2 14:13:03


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