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Install Drivers for an unsupported Linux Wireless Network Card

Last Updated: 2006-03-01

If you are a Linux user you might have run into a problem when you are tyring to get your Windows only wireless network card to work. I have a Fujitsu S-Series Notebook with a Broadcom wireless chip.

At first I decided to use a D-Link PCMCIA card which works fine but I would rather use my internal wireless card.

First you need the ndiswrapper installed on your system which is very easy to do with a rpm based system.
Once installed, get the Windows driver for your wireless network card. You need the inf file.
Now use the command below to install the driver.

ndiswrapper -i bcmwl5.inf

Replace bcmwl5.inf with the name of your inf file. You can check if your device has been detected by using ndiswrapper -l.

ndiswrapper -l
Installed ndis drivers:
bcmwl5 driver present, hardware present

Now we need to load the ndiswrapper module into the kernel.

modprobe ndiswrapper

Now you can check your log file with

or try to find an access point in your area with

iwlist wlan0 scan

Now create a file called /etc/wpa_supplicant with the following contents.

And connect to the wireless access point with

wpa_supplicant -D ndiswrapper -i wlan0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf

Now run

dhcpcd wlan0
to get an IP.

Check out the linux section, I will post a short wireless key management script soon.
Originally Posted by Skylinux @ 2006-03-1 11:12:19


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