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Adjust html Text box according to how much input comes from the database

Last Updated: 2005-12-13

Since text boxes make it easy to display text, I like using them when I display form for printing. For this to work properly all text boxes need to be adjusted dynamically. No problem.

I like storing the data in my database with \n as new lines. The script below will count all \n.

$arearows = (3 + count(explode("\n",$Service_Performed )) );
if ( empty($Print) ) {
$areacols = 75; }
else {
$areacols = 90; }
echo('<textarea cols="'.$areacols.'" rows="'.$arearows.'" tabindex="5" name="Service_Performed">
Originally Posted by Skylinux @ 2005-12-13 01:22:12


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