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100base-T and 1000base-T Gigabit Ethernet Network Cable Pinout and Color Guide

Last Updated: 2005-11-28

Since Gigabit Ethernet has been released it has found it's on every good motherboard. Soon the switches will be updated which leaves the existing wires.
If you need to run new wires now, even if you don't use Gigabit Ethernet, still use it. The 1000base-T pinout is compatible to to 10/100base-T so you might as well learn it since it's the new way.
I make my RJ-45 cables the 568B way but there is not difference between the two.

Pin,Color <=> Color,Pin

TIA/EIA 568A Wiring
1, white/green <=> white/green ,1
2, green <=> green, 2
3, white/orange <=> white/orange, 3
4, blue <=> blue, 4
5, white/blue <=> white/brown, 5
6, orange <=> orange, 6
7, white/brown <=> white/blue, 7
8, brown <=> brown, 8

TIA/EIA 568A Crossover Wiring
1, white/green <=> white/orange ,1
2, green <=> orange, 2
3, white/orange <=> white/green, 3
4, blue <=> white/brown, 4
5, white/blue <=> brown, 5
6, orange <=> green, 6
7, white/brown <=> blue, 7
8, brown <=> white/blue, 8

TIA/EIA 568B Wiring
1, white/orange <=> white/orange, 1
2, orange <=> orange, 2
3, white/green <=> white/green, 3
4, blue <=> blue, 4
5, white/blue <=> white/blue, 5
6, green <=> green, 6
7, white/brown <=> white/brown, 7
8, brown <=> brown, 8

TIA/EIA 568B Crossover Wiring
1, white/orange <=> white/green, 1
2, orange <=> green, 2
3, white/green <=> white/orange, 3
4, blue <=> white/brown, 4
5, white/blue <=> brown, 5
6, green <=> orange, 6
7, white/brown <=> blue, 7
8, brown <=> white/blue, 8
Originally Posted by Skylinux @ 2005-11-27 19:12:52
Spelling Fix
Last update by Skylinux @ 2005-11-27 19:22:20


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