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How to Fix the Spellchecker in Outlook Express

Last Updated: 2006-08-11

Every time you try to use the Outlook Express spell check function you receive the error message "An error occurred while the spelling was being checked."

To fix this problem, do this:
- Click Start, Run, type msconfig and hit Enter.
- When the System Configuration Utility starts, click the button "Expand File...."
- In the Expand One File from Installation Source dialog box,
File to restore: csapi3t1.dll)
Restore from: D:\i386
Save File in: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Proof
- Click Expand.

If the above does not work, you can also copy the files ctapi3t2.dll and chapi3t1.dll located in a folder named Proof on your Microsoft Office CD to the ...Shared\Proof folder.

Last update by Skylinux @ 2006-08-11 14:37:07


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